“How to Get More PI Attorney Referrals Without Leaving Your Office Even If…”
(1) 45 Minute Webinar
Bring More PI Patients Into Your Practice, Increase PI-Related Revenue and
Expand Attorney Relationships Without Taking Up a Lot of Your Time
You’re good at what you do, but the PI portion of your practice is just not where you think it should be…
Why aren’t attorney referrals coming in like you think they could or should?
Now there’s a way to quickly open the door to attorney relationships and then leverage that relationship…
The key, being able to provide unattached patient cases…crucial for establishing and sustaining strong relationships…
In this fast-paced webinar we discuss how to give your PI practice an unfair advantage…
If you want to explode the PI component of your practice, watch this webinar now!
Join Me and Our Special Guest: Scott Tauber, DC and Sam Frentzas
More PI patients, isn’t that why you’re here right now!