Would you like to attract more Personal Injury patients with less effort?
Well, attracting new PI patients into your practice has never been easier…
You already know new patients are the life blood of your practice, yet few providers have a system that works consistently and others only “do something” when they feel their practice slowing down…
But what if there was a way to market your practice for PI patients 24/7…
Even while you sleep!
Just a few more new PI patients each month can have a tremendous affect on your revenue!
This Webinar is for You, If:
– You have room for some extra PI patients in your practice…
This is not about having a 100% PI practice
– You want to find out how PI is the fastest way to increase your revenue…
Other financial classes are good, but nothing beats PI
– You want a successful online system that gets results…
Specific steps and solutions for consistency and reliability
ChiroMatrix is the leading website and online marketing company for chiropractic professionals.
AIPIP along with ChiroMatrix’s unique technology, marketing capability and office efficiency allows providers to quickly create a dynamic and successful Personal Injury practice.
The Webinar:
This is a 50-minute webinar (with time for Q&A)
Free Registration – (but you still need to register to avoid getting shut out)
Can’t make it live, register for the webinar and we will send you a replay link